Simply Shutters™ VS The Competition

If you've been told any of the following, then be prepared to lose money.


"We can deliver in
as little as 2 weeks."

In order for a shutter company to truly not involve any middleman the product must come from the source. To get a shutter made from the source expect shipping alone to be 30-45 days. When you see 2-4 week delivery expect that you're paying one if not multiple middlemen.


Our product is
Made in the USA!

This may be the most frustrating claim competitors are making. A lot of people genuinely feel good about buying an American product, but there's a problem. It doesn't exist. As you will see in the two case studies below, this may be the most disingenuous part of this industry.


"We are the manufacturer".

When you see claims such as this "we are the manufacturer", "wholesale pricing", or "factory direct". You're certainly about to pay a middleman. Many companies use the word "manufacturer" when they need to be using the word "assembler".


"Come tour the factory".

Point blank, there are no factories for you to tour locally. You may tour an assembly line with a few machines assembling shutter parts, but you will never find the product made from scratch like it is in our factory and other oversees factories. Why would you not want your shutter assembled in the exact building the parts are made instead of paying a middleman to do it with half or less of the tools and machines.


"Their product is from China and
compared to ours it's junk".

Unfortunately this is an industry full of half truths, conflicting statements, and downright lies. Everyones shutter comes from China one way or another, no matter what crazy story you're told.


"Our Shutters are better because
they’re made of wood".

As a company that sells wood at the same cost of PVC, there are both positive and negative reasons to buy wood shutters. A few companies out there don't offer both so they instead bad mouth the other product. Yes, wood shutters also come from China.

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

These are just a few of many companies falsely claiming Made in the USA and cutting corners on product quality.Most smaller companies don't even buy parts directly from China because they don't do enough volume. Instead they buy from one of these companies. Middleman after middleman.

Want to see what a real shutter factory looks like?

(Hint: They aren't 20,000/SQF or smaller)

With Simply Shutters™ you’re trully cutting out all Middlemen.
We pass all of that savings on to you.

Still on the fence?


We have more reviews than any other shutter company


We install 20+ jobs daily. You can view them on our Facebook page


Our products have come from the same source since the beginning of our company.


Our product is available in both reinforced PVC + Wood for the same cost.


Lifetime warranty on all products with a full-time dedicated repair specialist.


We will price match any competitor, although it has yet to happen in the last 18,000+ orders.

Oh yeah! Did we forget to mention that we have the best shutter on the market?

Fill out the form below to schedule a free estimate. 17.99/SQF